

LOCATION: Murfreesboro, TN

CATEGORY: Criminal Justice

STATUS: Complete

The general scope of the project was to evaluate the existing facility and recommend what areas are in need of expansion to better serve the Sheriff Department’s needs and create a more efficient facility, thus assisting the citizens of Rutherford County. It is apparent that most of the law enforcement functions and detention support services are in extremely undersized and inadequate spaces making it more difficult for the staff to function at their potential.

The program will identify immediate needs and then incorporate expansion / growth space for these functions which are presently anticipated to expand. The Design Team also looked at long-term growth on the detention side. A master plan was prepared anticipating a second detention tower and those spaces required to support a growth in a male population.

Presently, staff, administration and supervisors are scattered throughout the building wherever space was available. The team’s intent to keep supervisors with their staff, ensure staff for a specific department or function are kept together, and locate programs in appropriate areas to maximize traffic flow. We also organized the overall plan to assist in creating a functional space relationship, thus improving staff efficiency.

In addition, KSA went through the facility and created a feasibility study that reflected what it would cost to renovate the existing areas suffering from poor site lines, poorly planned Criminal Justice Space and faulty detailing of the exterior of the building.

KSA supplied Rutherford County with a matrix which identified the cost and drawings for the expansion of each department. In 2011 and 2012 three projects were completed: Kitchen Expansion Renovation, Exterior Brick Repair and the Sheriff Administration Renovation. The remaining balance of the work is currently on hold.